What can one person do? A lot actually.

Take Dorothy for example. Despite limited means, she has literally been the hands and feet of Jesus – providing food and shelter for those without.

Then there’s Suzette. This mom of three heard about Home Repairs through her church. Then her husband Matt began playing in the annual Home Repairs Golf Classic.

So when she became friends with Dorothy and saw the extent of her home repair needs, she knew exactly who to contact.

“I am so deeply grateful for this ministry. So many of the home repairs they do are things we take for granted. If we have a broken door, window, floor – whatever it is – we just call a handyman and get it fixed the same week. But these people live with these needs for years.

“My dream is that Home Repairs can expand and broaden their reach. Wouldn’t it be great if we could go up and down Church Street, where Dorothy lives, and knock on every door and say ‘Hey, can we take a look around and see what your greatest home repair needs are? We’d love to help.’ [For Dorothy and her neighbors] that would be like Ed McMahon with the million dollar prize showing up at your door!”

“I partner with Home Repairs because I know I’m partnering with the Lord in doing HIs work and bringing His kingdom here on earth. And He always provides.” 

We can all do something to help. If you’re not a financial partner, would you consider giving? If you are already giving, we are so grateful! Would you consider increasing your giving so that we can do more and repair more homes?

Every dollar you give allows us to help more homeowners in need!