Home Repairs Ministries
Our Stories
Home Repairs serves vulnerable homeowners in the metro Atlanta area with critical home repairs. We are compassionate and inclusive, volunteer-operated, ethical and Gospel-centered – and we believe our work allows us to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those in need.
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: Creating Lifelong Partnerships
When you think of Home Repairs Ministries, you probably picture tools and volunteer crews...
From Overwhelming to Accessible
“My husband actually grew up in our house. We’ve lived here 30 years and raised three kids here.”...
A baby gets a safer home: Alexis’ story
They weren't sure their baby would make it. Alexis' family's home needed several repairs in order...
Home Repairs Creates More Independent Living
She hadn't gone upstairs in over a year. A former physical therapist, Pam’s health...
How Home Repairs Saved Elderly Homeowners from a Lien or Worse on their Home
When life’s troubles pile up, sometimes you need help getting back on your feet. That’s where...
From Band-Aid Solutions to Brand New Steps
“Fourteen years ago, I was looking at two houses down the street, and my realtor actually pointed...
Processes and people: Ashley Henkle merges her passions as Home Repairs’ new admin assistant
She’s a third-generation administrative professional; she’s also a multi-disciplinary artist....
The power of teamwork for a Snellville homeowner in need
What’s impossible alone is often possible together. That’s how one recent project turned out for...
New business owner providing cool air in the heat of summer to homeowners in need
Why would a fairly new business use its resources to help a local nonprofit? For Avery Mcfalls –...
Learning to Function: Chris McNairy’s Story with Home Repairs Ministries
Chris has taken many risks to serve God and has encountered many hurdles. It was through them that he received the help he needed from Home Repairs.
Daughter sees Home Repairs Ministries increase her mother’s hope
Earlier this year, we had the opportunity to serve Dorothy. This Gwinnett senior’s yard needs had...
The power of community and care: Tricia’s story
Single mom and homeowner Tricia makes people feel valued every day in her job as a teacher and in...
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