Anna N. truly had no idea where, or how, she was going to get help. Her front bay window and the siding beneath it were rotting away. If that wasn’t enough, her deck also had rotting wood and exposed nails.
“The squirrels were chopping away on many handrail areas, too,” Anna said. “I spent many restless nights worrying about my home.”
Before her husband passed away suddenly, Anna had depended on him to keep an eye on the house and to help provide financially.
“Sadly, after losing him, I just didn’t look at my house like I should, or rather how he would have. And now I’m on a fixed income,” she said. “I try to walk around my entire house at least a few times a month but it’s an older home so many repairs are needed. Rotted wood is sometimes hidden and that’s what happened to my front bay windows, siding and deck.”
The painter Anna hired to paint the exterior discovered the rotted wood. He couldn’t continue painting until the wood was repaired, but Anna didn’t have thousands of dollars for the repairs.
“I just had to let it go and pray about it until I could figure something out financially,” she said.
Then, one day while volunteering at Perimeter Church, she heard about Home Repairs Ministries through her deacon and another member. Some of the men who volunteered with Home Repairs through Perimeter came to her home to look at the needed repairs and then coordinated the repair date with Anna and Home Repairs.
“I knew when they showed up, and assured me that “everything is going to be okay”, that it was going to be okay. They had strong faith coupled with hammers, nails, saws, tape measures, etc., and teamwork,” Anna said.
“They gave me peace of mind and were a team of caring, faithful church members sharing all the skills between them to repair my home. Everyone even had clean-up responsibilities and shared that too!”
For Anna, a mom of two and grandmother of five who loves having a houseful of grandchildren, she’s grateful to have a safe place for herself and her loved ones.
“This was such a blessing and prayers were answered. I trusted the ministry team working on my home and they always started out with a prayer – and included me,” She said. “Thank you Perimeter Church for sharing a great organization like Home Repairs with another widow! I feel safe and secure now.”